Saturday, 26 March 2011

Welcome to The Miniature Garden

A huge thank you to everyone who has joined this blog, I'm tickled pink to see what an international bunch we are...........the wonders of the internet never cease to amaze me! And to think that only a year ago I could barely send an e-mail.
It's amazing how something you love can spur you on to learn new skills, and believe me I'm still learning. I can't tell you how proud of myself I was when I managed to add a facebook badge to this blog..........then I added my blog list........well it is a miracle I can get through my workroom door, my head is so big!!!
So I hope you will come along with me on this voyage of all things computery and miniature.

I'll leave you with a couple of vignettes of my 1/24th scale work.
The first shows a weathered potting bench, pots of geraniums and busy lizzies or impatiens.

The next is a spring scene with tulips,iris and auriculas. The table and chairs were bought a very long time ago from In Some Small Way.

I really love working in this smaller scale and plan to bring out more kits later this year.
If you would like pricelists and a picture cd of all my flower kits, just e-mail me your postal address and I'll send everything off to you.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

The Basics

When I meet people at shows and they ask me what they need to make the kits, this is what I say..................These are the 3 basic must haves for making my flower kits.

Tweezers, an Eraser and Tacky Glue.

Tweezers with the finest points. These become your fingers so don't worry about how small the petals are! They can also be used for creasing leaves and petals.

A large eraser, tip out your petals and leaves onto its surface.
Separate by stroking with the flat tips of the tweezers, you will soon get to know the feel of more than one leaf or petal stuck together.

Crease and cup on the surface, it has just the right amount of "squidge". It is also much easier to pick up the petals from its softer surface.

Tacky Glue.
Always use tacky glue, it doesn't matter what make, I sell these little bottles that are useful for a workbox. Squeeze a small puddle of glue onto a suitable flat surface, and always take your petal or leaf to the glue and dip.

Remember, less is more! It is always possible to re-glue, but too much glue looks horrid and you will get into a sticky mess. Always clean any glue off the tips of the tweezers regularly.

More tips to follow soon.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Kit of the Month

Photograph by Liz Eddison

Bunches of Tulips are in the shops now, and I love this stripey sort more than most. You add the stripes with a fine felt tip pen, don't be precious about it, the markings on these type of tulips are crazy!
This kit comes in white or yellow and if you use the code MAR11 on an order form, e-mail, or even in person, a kit will be yours for £1.45 instead of the usual £2.90.